Truepad is an all new video-chatting platform through which you can discuss and dig deep into the world’s most interesting trending topics, ponder over one’s opinion and simply get your daily dose of knowledge as well as laughter. It’s a free platform that allows you to have conversations and discussions with people around the world or just spectate the conversations. Truepad is divided into two sections; the TRENDING SECTION and the MOOD SECTION. On the Trending Section, you will get to choose from different trending topics to discuss. Every week, we change the topics to allow for interesting and insightful discussions. If you don’t want to speak, you will have the option to spectate the discussion. On the other hand, our Mood Section has been designed to help you channel your inner emotions. You can select an mood out of the of 10 moods displayed. Based on your current mood, you will be paired with someone of the opposite mood to help you regulate your feelings. Our Mood Section has no Spectators, because it is all private conversation section.